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Governing body

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Governing body

Quanzhou double Xi Science and technology school

Internal management organization setting and staffing plan


为规范我校内部管理工作机制,确保Quanzhou double Xi Science and technology school各项工作有序进行,根据《冰球突破豪华版游戏下载》的相关规定,特制定本方案(草案)。

I. Principles for the establishment of the school's internal management organization

 1、学校内部Governing body设置的主要原则是以学校业务开展工作为核心,满足学校日常教学、校园安全等的需要,确保Quanzhou double Xi Science and technology school茁壮的、可持续的健康发展。

 2. The establishment of the school's internal management organization should be conducive to the benign development of the school's work。




Ii. School organization

(1) Institutional Settings


(2) Staffing

根据董事会、行政会一致讨论表决后,选出以下人员为我校的行政管理人员。The specific staffing is as follows:

Legal representative: Mr. Yang Peifeng;

Principal: Mr. Wu Binghui;

Executive Vice President: Wang Qingjia;

Vice President: Zheng Baokun;

Director of International Health Management Department: Wang Wenquan;

Director of the Office of Education and Political Affairs: Mr. Wang Qingjia (concurrently);

Deputy Director of the Academic Affairs Office: Liu Liling;

Deputy Director of the Office: Zhuang Zhengmei;

Director of Recruitment Office: Xu Guiping;

Secretary of Youth League Committee: Zhuang Zhengmei (concurrently);

Finance Specialist: Wang Yannian。

(3) The main duties of the personnel

1. Responsibilities of the principal

The principal is the highest administrative officer of the school conferred by the Board of Trustees and reports directly to the Chairman of the Board。对外代表学校,对内全面领导学校教育教学、行政、后勤等各项工作。The main responsibilities are:








(8) To manage the personnel affairs of the school。建立和健全教职工岗位责任制和有关规章制度,做好教职工的聘任、考核、奖惩、晋级和培训工作。提出学校的机构设置意见,向上级组织部门提名推荐副校长及中层干部。Adhere to the administrative council and administrative office committee system, and do a good job of coordination。

(9) Strengthen the construction of the teaching staff and constantly improve their political and professional quality。全面领导学校精神文明建设,组织领导“教书育人、管理育人、服务育人”活动;加强对学生的思想政治工作,创建优良校风,促进学生全面发展。



 2. Responsible for the duties of the vice president of politics and education


(2)切实把学校安全工作摆上重要议事日程,要做到健全安全机构,落实安全责任人,分工明确,职责具体。Prevent major accidents to ensure the safety of the campus。



(5) Do a good job of fire safety for teachers and students。禁止学生携带管制刀具、烟花、爆竹、砸炮、打火机等易燃易爆物品进校园。It is necessary to establish a feasible fire control system and educate students to protect school fire control facilities。It is strictly forbidden to organize students to spring outing, picnic and other activities in the forest area。





(10)加强校园周边管理制度,与有关部门取得联系,综合整治校园及周边治安环境;制定特殊安全保护区防范措施。Through the integration of school security and prevention work forces, the formation of public security - community - school joint defense network。加强值班巡逻,认真做好“四防”工作,即防特、防盗、防火、防止治安灾害事故。



 3. Responsible for the duties of the vice president of teaching


(2)直接领导教务处、教科室工作,审查两处的工作计划,检查和督促工作计划的落实。每学期考核教务处主任、教科室主任一次,做好记录,向校长报告考核结果。Lead teaching and research groups, carry out teaching and research activities, summarize and exchange teaching experience。

(3) Be responsible for leading the assessment and evaluation of teachers' teaching work。Formulate the assessment and evaluation plan, and guide the Teaching Affairs Office to implement and implement it in practical work.全面掌握教师的思想、业务专长和教学水平,每学期、学年开学前,妥善安排教师的教学任务。

(4) Conduct professional assessment of the teachers to be transferred and submit a report to the principal。

(5)从学校实际出发,提出学校教学改革方案和计划,并负责领导实施。Responsible for proposing the class hour plan of each academic year and the work arrangement of teaching staff. The main effort should be made to improve the teaching quality in schools。深入课堂 听课;参加学科教研活动;听取教科室及各教研组长工作汇报;检查教师教学和学生的学习情况,Check teachers' lesson plans and students' homework regularly,A student forum is held every semester by grade,Master the first-hand teaching materials,Listen to the school teaching work opinions to determine the school teaching and research topics,And led the teaching and research team members of the teaching department to engage in the research of the school's teaching and research topics。

(6)切实抓好教师队伍的建设,有计划、有措施,不断提高教师的业务水平和教学水平。Organize and lead teachers to carry out teaching and research activities。有目的有计划地进行教学方法的改革试验,定期组织教师举行教学观摩课,总结交流教学经验,拟出以老带新方案,提高教师业务水平。

(7) Coordinate and arrange various interest group activities for each grade and carry out the second class activities。


(9)认真检查执行体育教学大纲的情况,切实有效地提高艺术体育教育教学质量。Check the situation of "push bid" and "reach standard"。To direct the work of health care, and to prevent myopia and epidemic diseases。  

(10) Regularly summarize the teaching work of the whole school and report it to all the staff。


(12) Assist the headmaster in the recruitment work of the whole school。

 4. Responsibilities of the director of the Academic Affairs Office

(1) Arrange the curriculum of each subject。Coordinate and arrange the activities of each grade group and teaching and research group。

(2) Review the work plans and summaries of each teaching and research group,Arrange and guide the teaching and research group to carry out teaching and research activities,Check and understand the activities of the teaching and research group,Evaluate and feedback the teaching of open (research) courses in the school,促进教师教育理论的学习和教学基本功的训练;组织行政人员听课、了解各科教师的教学;负责主持教研组长会议,Listen to the grade group, teaching and research group and teachers' opinions and requirements。




(6) The Dean shall be responsible to the Principal for all his work。以上责任在履行方法上,要首先征得校长、主管校长的同意,或提交行政会议审议通过后方可实施。

 5. Responsibilities of the Director of the Office of Political Education

政教处主任在学校领导下开展工作,负责学生政治、思想、道德品质、行为规范教育和心理教育等方面工作。Its duties are as follows:

   (1) Routine work of moral education

(1)依据职教改革方案制定学校每学期德育工作计划,指导班主任制订班级德育工作计划,并督促检查落实计划。To organize and implement school moral education programs。


(3) Care for and guide the training of young class teachers,Lead the class teacher work,Hold class teacher meetings regularly,Research and summarize class work,Find the typical,推广先进经验;指导班主任写好学生评语;组织班主任学习教育理论,Improve the class teacher's work level;Selection of excellent class teachers, advanced classes,Do a good job in the assessment of class teachers。

(4) Organize regular educational activities every year。


(6)指导各班、各位学生认真学习《冰球突破试玩官方网站》、《冰球突破豪华版游戏下载》等。Host student activities:


(2) Student management








    (3) Exercise and health work




(4) Do a good job in student dormitory management, canteen management and campus health。



    (6) Conscientiously complete the temporary work assigned by the superior or the principal。

 6. Job responsibilities of Admission Director




    Iii. Responsible for the planning and arrangement of enrollment work, and conduct training for out-of-town enrollment personnel。

    4. Responsible for enrollment registration and admission。Assist the relevant departments to do a good job of related charges and management。

    Fifth, do a good job of enrollment publicity, organize and edit enrollment publicity brochures, video materials, etc。



    8. Warmly receive parents for consultation and registration, and patiently answer parents' questions。

    9. Complete other tasks assigned by school leaders。

    10. The Deputy Director of the Admission Office shall assist the Director in doing the above work。

 7. Job responsibilities of office director

(1) Take charge of the overall work of the office according to the responsibilities of the school office。Strengthen office business construction, supervise and inspect the implementation of responsibilities of each post。

    (2)在校长室的领导下 , 负责组织起草全校性的工作报告、总结、规划和决议等文件 , 负责全校公文的审核工作 ,

We will do a good job in the synthesis and handling of written words and policies。

    (3)负责并组织安排全校各种会议、学习及重要活动 , 做好校长室及校务会的各项决议、决定、通报、通知等的传达、贯彻及检查、督办落实工作。

(4)根据学校有关会议决定 , 组织草拟和发布通告、通知、会议纪要及其它文件;及时处理各类上报下发、传阅的文件。

    (5)负责和指导学校外事、档案、统计、收发工作 , 组织接待各地来宾的参观访问和校内群众来信来访工作。

(6)根据校领导的指示 , 负责组织、协调学校各职能部门共同办理的综合性工作 , 做到上情下达 , 下情上达。

    (7)注意调查研究 , 掌握校内外信息 , 主动了解与全局有关的情况和问题,积极为校领导决策提供参考意见。

    (8) Assist the principal in foreign affairs, reception and other work。


    (10) Conscientiously complete other work assigned by school leaders。

 8. Responsibilities of the presidium of the Student Union of the School Youth League Committee





4, carry out in-depth work in the department, timely and in-depth understanding of the ideological status of league organization;

5. Responsible for internal assessment, evaluation and other networking activities of the Youth League Committee Student Union;

6, responsible for the discipline inspection of Youth League Committee Student Union cadres;

7. Strengthen contact with other school Youth League committees, student unions and other units;

8, organize all departments to do a good job of cadre evaluation and election;



(4) Organizational chart of the school